British Swiss Chamber of Commerce — Transforming work

Zurich (Switzerland) — 23 September 2021

Lauren Howe

The last 18 months have seen an unprecedented acceleration in the transformation of work and the workplace. This event explored some of the changes that have already taken place and looked to the future implications.

While the working environments in UK and Switzerland do have their differences, both countries have an innovative business culture, sectors of mutual interest and a highly educated, skilled and mobile workforce. Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe made insightful contributions to this hybrid event, which looked in more depth at the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ enablers of the new ways of working. As a member of the Leadership & Culture panel, she exchanged thoughts with other expert contributors on the implications for transforming the world of work for managers and leaders. Questions considered included:

  • How do we develop, maintain and sustain organizational culture without having the workforce all ‘physically’ present?

  • How do leadership practices need to change?

  • What role trusts plays between colleagues, leaders, organization and customers in making this a success?

List of speakers:

Kirsten Carr-Vasey | EY Switzerland
Andreas Hinterberger | Uber
Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe | University of Zurich
Sarah Kirby | Zurich Insurance
Dr. Joël Krapf | Migros
Simon Raess | Ginetta
Christoph Thoma | EY Switzerland
Moderator: Dr. Mike Widmer| aalto


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