3rd Lecture on Leadership in the Future of Work

On April 24, 2024, Catrin Hinkel, CEO Microsoft Switzerland, took the stage at the University of Zurich to deliver the third Lecture on Leadership in the Future of Work, on the theme:

“Navigating the Future:
AI’s Role in Human-Centric Work Environments”

The purpose of the Lecture Series – Leadership in the Future of Work is to inspire current and future leaders to push forward people innovation by applying novel insights to identify, test, and scale solutions to ensure that people remain at the heart of the future of work.

This public lecture was jointly hosted by the UZH CLFW and the UZH Europa Institute at Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 06:00pm (Central European Time) in the Aula Magna at the University of Zurich.

The event was free of charge.


Impressions and Lecture Recording:
The lecture was streamed online. You can watch the livestream below.


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